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Residence Certificate

What is a Residence Certificate?

If you’ve been living in Thailand long enough, you may eventually find you need to apply for a Residence Certificate from your local immigration office. The certificate is nothing more than an official letter providing proof of address. You can then use this official proof of address to apply for services requiring residency.

Why Do You Need a Residence Certificate in Thailand?

The reason for showing residency in Thailand would be to apply for a local service that requires it as proof of your address. For example,

  1. Getting a Thai drivers license
  2. Opening a Thai bank account
  3. Purchasing a vehicle
  4. Marriage
  5. Registering in Thailand as a legal guardian for a minor
  6. Requesting a house-book

How Do I Get a Residence Certificate in Chiang Mai?

Getting a Residence Certificate in Chiang Mai is one of the simplest things you can do at Chiang Mai Immigration. Just show up without an appointment and bring with you the following things.

  • Copy of rental agreement (or deed if owner)
  • Copy of Landlord’s Thai ID & house-book
  • Copy of T.M. 30 Receipt
  • Copy of passport photo page
  • Copy of arrival visa stamp
  • Copy of current visa stamp
  • Copy of 90-day report
  • One Photo


With everything from the list above, head down to the Chiang Mai Immigration Office near the airport and request the appropriate application. Complete the application and submit it along with all of your documents. The service is free if you are not in a hurry and are willing to wait from 1-5 weeks. If you prefer next day service, the fee is 500 thb.


If you are too busy and your time is too valuable to be bothered with running around collecting documents and waiting in long lines at immigration, SANS Visa Services in Chiang Mai will take on the task for you. Contact us anytime, and one of our visa agents will do the rest.


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