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Volunteer Visa Chiang Mai

How to Get a Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai

Getting a Thai Non-O Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai was long considered one of the most exciting and rewarding ways to give back to Thailand while being supported with a long-term visa and work permit.  Unfortunately, this Non-O type visa was heavily relied upon and perhaps even overused here in the North in recent years.  This overuse has led to additional scrutiny for any volunteer visa application processed by Chiang Mai Immigration.

The lesson here is not to avoid volunteering in Thailand with a legitimate organization but to carefully vet them.

You need to be aware that the Immigration Office will closely review the volunteer organization and your documents to volunteer before approving them.


What to Know About a Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai

Do your research on organizations in Chiang Mai advertising a Thai Volunteer Visa with a strong emphasis on getting you a Non-O Visa.  You don’t need to avoid any organization willing to assist with the entire complicated Thai Volunteer Visa process for a fee.  Just be aware that there have been problems in the past – so do your homework.


What is the Cost of a Thai Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai?

The cost of can differ depending upon the level of assistance the organization handling your paperwork provides.  The actual price of obtaining the Thai Volunteer Visa directly from an organization is the same as other visa types.

  • Initial Volunteer Visa application at Thai Embassy abroad 1900 thb
  • Work Permit in Chiang Mai  approx. 3,000 thb
  • Medical Certificate for work permit approx. 100 – 400 thb
  • Follow-up visit to extent visa at Chiang Mai Immigration within 90 days 1900 thb


These fees are the minimal costs associated with this process.  If you require additional assistance at any point in the process, expect to pay additional fees for those services.


What Do I Need to Qualify for a Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai?

To qualify for a Thai Non-O Volunteer Visa in Thailand, you will need the following items.  Be aware that the organization inviting you to volunteer may have additional requirements.

  1. Valid passport
  2. Completed Non-O Volunteer Application
  3. Letter of Invitation from foundation or organization
  4. Copy of Organization’s Certificate of Registration
  5. Proof of Finances ( 20,000 thb)


How Long Does it Take to Get a Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai?

The time required to get a Thai Volunteer Visa depends heavily upon your ability or the organization expediting the process to gather and submit the necessary paperwork. Applying and being accepted to an organization, receiving the appropriate documents, and completing and submitting to the Thai embassy abroad may take several months or only a few weeks.

After receiving a clean bill of health, you will give the required documents and your completed application form to the Labor Office for your work permit.

Next, you will complete another application to Chiang Mai Immigration for the 1-year Non-O Visa. All told, this part of the process could take as little as one month or the full 90 days of your initial entry visa.


Can I Work On a Non-O Thai Volunteer Visa?

No. You are not permitted to work while on a Volunteer Visa in Thailand.


How to Get a Volunteer Visa in Chiang Mai By Yourself

Here are the steps to get your Non-O Volunteer Visa by yourself.

  1. Apply to volunteer with a foundation or non-profit organization in Chiang Mai
  2. Receive official acceptance letter and description of volunteer role
  3. Obtain proof of funds from your bank (20, 000 thb)
  4. Complete Non-O Thai Volunteer Visa application
  5. Submit and pay fee to Thai Embassy abroad
  6. *Note* At the time of writing this you need to to apply for Thailand Pass and Insurance
  7. Receive 90 day provisional Non-O Volunteer Visa
  8. Enter Thailand
  9. Obtain application form for Work Permit for Non-O Volunteer Visa from Labor Office
  10. Gather all of the required documents required on application
  11.  Apply to Labor Office
  12. Pick up work permit from Labor Office
  13. Pick up an application form for a 1-year Thai Non-O Volunteer Visa at Chiang Mai Immigration
  14. Complete application form for 1-year Volunteer Visa
  15. Submit the application form with documents and Work Permit to Chiang Mai Immigration
  16. Complete your 90-Day reports every 90 Days


How to Get a Thai Volunteer Visa with SANS

At SANS Visa Service Chiang Mai – our mission is to make your Thai visa application process smooth and effortless.

  1. Sign up for SANS Chiang Mai Volunteer Visa Service
  2. Send us each of the documents we request
  3. Sit back and wait for your Volunteer Visa in Thailand


Other ways SANS Chiang Mai Visa Service Can Help



Find out how a SANS Visa Agent can help you Volunteer in Chiang Mai and also avoid all of the difficulties of the Non-O Visa application process.  We take care of the paperwork so you can spend your valuable time and energy giving back.  Also ask about our Thai company registration services & accounting.

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